Our Services

Outpatient Surgery with State-of-the-Art Technology
At Ashland Surgery Center, we specialize in specific surgical procedures. Why is this important for you? The more times surgeons and their teams perform a procedure, the better the outcomes tend to be for their patients.
We use state-of-the-art technology to provide the latest advancements in surgical care and deliver services with an experienced, finely-tuned team. This can result in shorter procedure times, faster recovery, and improved outcomes. Our goal is for you to have the best experience possible.
Ashland Surgery Center offers the following services:
Our doctors are recognized experts in cataracts, custom lens implants, glaucoma, laser, and eyelid surgeries. For more information, visit siskiyoueye.com.
Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery
Our ophthalmic plastic surgeon can eradicate eyelid skin cancers, treat congenital, traumatic, and age-related eyelid conditions, and perform surgical management of tear duct problems. For more information, visit oasiseye.com.
Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery
Our reconstructive and cosmetic surgeon helps her patients feel whole again through cosmetic, hand, and reconstructive procedures to improve their quality of life and enhance the way they feel about themselves. For more information, visit elizabethinstitute.com.
Our skilled gastroenterology physician, general surgeon, and family practice physician perform endoscopic procedures, including colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. For more information, visit bearcreekmed.com.
General Surgery
Our surgeons perform various surgical procedures, including umbilical and inguinal hernia repairs, carpal tunnel repairs, and many others. For more information, visit bearcreekmed.com.